Healing Spiritual Centre

Spiritual Business Coaching

Connie and Salvador Olivo

Insightful Business Coaching with Connie & Salvador


Best of both worlds!

This is business coaching like you’ve never seen before.  

Combining a wealth of business experience and qualifications with divine connection and intuition to transform your new or existing business into Success.

Connie’s past qualifications include being an Accountant, Tax Agent, Financial Planner and Honorary Justice of Peace as well as running her own highly successful 6 figure income for 30 years.

Salvador has experience as an Accountant and then buying/running and selling numerous successful businesses for 40 years.

Together they work their magic of practical knowledge with intuitive guidance to help you become Master of your business, guiding you to when and how to take action.

They have helped so many owners save and create millions of dollars with their guidance.

Phone us on 0425 805 310 for a price specific to your needs.

Interested in this service?

We’d love to help you! Click the button below to call Connie.