Healing Spiritual Centre

Heal Your Pets Stress Free With Animal Healing

Animal Healing - Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional


Our animal healing process works on all levels – the physical, spiritual and emotional. 

If you’re looking for a natural, stress-free healing service for your animal friend, our animal healing service is for you. This service is delivered via distance healing and is extremely effective. It is a painless and stress-free process for animals.

This healing often addresses the animal’s physical ailments as well as the underlying mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Intuitively we give what healing would be helpful to them.

Sometimes our animal companions are reflecting issues for their people, so I may ask about your situation to determine if you need healing as well. That would be helpful both to you and your animal friend.

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Recent Google Reviews

  • Connie and Salvador are truly gifted healers. Their ability to shift stagnant energy, break deep-seated patterns, and support true healing is phenomenal. After a two-week distant healing, I feel an incredible sense of clarity, peace, and lightness. My mind is no longer racing, and I feel deeply at ease - something I haven’t experienced in a long time. This work has not only helped me heal but has also opened me up to attracting higher vibrational experiences into my life. I am so grateful for their kindness, compassion, and the profound transformation they’ve facilitated. Highly recommend to anyone seeking re... Read More
  • Connie and Salvador are my go to healers, they are kind caring and the best healers in Australia in my opinion. They always check in to see how I am doing and offer the best service for healing. You can have in person sessions or distant healing, their healing is so strong and powerful. I highly recommend these two ☺️💗
  • Connie and Salvador are amazing healers who I have been able to connect with and they really understand me. Through distance healing they have helped me and my family to work through health issues and strengthen relationships. Speaking with them helps put my mind at ease and I don’t know where I’d be without them. I am so grateful for their help, guidance and support and I can’t thank them enough.
  • I booked a session for myself with Connie & Salvador because I was feeling stuck in my life, after a long conversation they suggested some healing for my husband. They started healing on him and the change in him is phenomenal. My husband was very negative with everything in life, our communication was never the best, he worked 6-7 days a week, drank alcohol 4-5 drink every night, ate his dinner after everyone else later and went to bed around 11pm every night. Since the healing it has turned our life around, he gets home at a reasonable hour, sits down and eats dinner with us, plays a game after dinner and hasn... Read More
  • Working with Connie and Salvador has transformed my children’s life. Connie and Salvador are the real deal. They are gifted healers. With great skill and compassion they utilise many healing modalities, like distance healing, and with Higher assistance connect with the core issues and usher in positive transformation. On behalf of myself and my family, we are deeply grateful. Sending you love and light. Denise S

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