Healing Spiritual Centre

Connie Olivo

Connie is a well known established Leader in the Spiritual Healing and Health fields with an astounding natural gift for quickly healing trauma and emotions. A Master Healer, she has conducted over 7000 healings over the past 16 years. Renowned for her warmth and intuition, Connie balances the spiritual world with the world we see, giving clients tools to cope and overcome problems and challenges in their lives.

Connie Olivo

Connie is a well known established Leader in the Spiritual Healing and Health fields with an astounding natural gift for quickly healing trauma and emotions. A Master Healer, she has conducted over 7000 healings over the past 16 years. Renowned for her warmth and intuition, Connie balances the spiritual world with the world we see, giving clients tools to cope and overcome problems and challenges in their lives.

She specialises in areas such as health, relationships, manifesting, creating financial security and clearing spiritual entities. She has an uncanny ability to connect with people of all stages of life and belief systems through her unconditional love, compassion, and divine insight.

“My approach to healing is both practical and grounded, getting results quickly and easily.  I have developed my own powerful healing style which incorporates all my years of knowledge and working with clients together with a wealth of spiritual guidance.  My deep spiritual connection and intuitive Counselling guides me to what my client really needs, establishing the root cause of the problem and ways to overcome it, clearing the blockages and energy quickly and easily.  Healing the emotions will then help heal the physical, mental and spiritual, bringing you back to balance and to your Highest Self.  I believe in long-term change and coach my clients in meditation, affirmations and a range of health or lifestyle improvements that can bring more personal growth and happiness.”

Connie’s healing work includes Usui Reiki Master, Intuitive Counselling, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Seichem/Sekhem Reiki Master, Senju Kennon Reiki Master, Theta Healing, Pranic Healing, Metatronic Healing, Melchizedek Method, Medical Intuitive, Certified Divine Healing Hands, , Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique and also Teacher of ECT, NLP, Intuitive Artist, Ascension Meditation & Metaphysical Spiritual Teacher, Soul Coaching and Channelling ArchAngels and Ascended Masters, Light code Activations, Colour/Sound/Crystals Healing, Past Lives, Future Lives, Inner Child, Ancestral Clearing, Laughter Yoga Leader,  Transforming the DNA,  unlocking negative thought patterns from the 4 minds and manifesting with Universal Law of Attraction. She has attended and spent thousands of hours on courses and research on Healing, Abundance, Relationships, Spirituality and empowerment, a thirst for knowledge to help herself to be the best she could be so she could help others.

Connie gets feedback constantly saying “you have changed my life” and “one session shifts more than years with a psychiatrist or psychologist”. While Connie believes there is a place for all types of healing, her spiritual healing can get to the underlying issue by reaching the soul, the unconscious & subconscious minds and the inner child like nothing else.

Connie also feels blessed to work together with her partner Salvador at Healing Spiritual Centre, delivering Distant Healing and God/Goddess Hands on Healings. Two Master Healers working together creating Magical Transformations, enabling them to heal the energies and relationships in your environment and inner self. Miracles are happening every day.

Salvador Olivo
Salvador Olivo

Salvador is a Master Healer with a solid Australian practice and a growing international client base. His unique intuitive healing style sets him apart from others in his field. Indeed, Salvador believes that an essential part of any healing begins and ends with the environment around you. 

“I believe I need to do more than just focus on the person in front of me. A physician or spiritual healer can do a lot to make a person feel well. However, until we clear the negative elements around someone in terms of the people, places and energies in their life, generally a vulnerable person will suffer setbacks again. This might be financial, health, business or with love.”